
Showing posts from January, 2018

Media Literacy Issues

When I think of media literacy issues, I immediately think about a student’s ability to assess media to determine its validity.  For example, if students are working on a current events project and they turn to the news or magazines for information, are they able to tell if the specific media source they are using is valid for purposes of project completion? The ability to read many types of media has become an essential skill in the 21 st  Century, whereas media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Therefore, it is important for elementary school teachers to teach their students the importance of validity in media before they reach the older grades where they will be required to complete more in depth research projects. listed several examples of ways to promote digital media literacy in the classroom, and a few activities stood out to me that could be used for this type of learning: Concept-map the thesis and p...

Technology Goals For My Future Classroom

Technology has come a long way... I have never been one who is exceptional when it comes to technology.  However, I feel that this class will be an extremely educational experience to enhance my career as a teacher.  Therefore, my personal technology goals for this course are as follows: To be able to create an online website that I can use as a teacher that will make it easy to interact with parents and post important information and classroom notifications for families to easily access. To be able to find and use vital online resources to enhance my teaching experience and help my students learn better and obtain the knowledge they need. To be able to become a better blogger and share my experiences as well as have more in depth online educational communications with other educators.  Primarily, after reading the pencil metaphor and analyzing where I stand, I realized that I fall under The Wood of the pencil.  I feel that if I had more training and...