Drew TEACH Digital Literacy Conference

I am so honored to be part of the Drew University MAT Program, especially after the amazing and educational day I experienced on Saturday, February 3rd.  I learned so much at the Drew TEACH Digital Literacy Conference, I can go on forever about the knowledge that I obtained in just a few hours. However, out of the three main speakers I saw, I will pick something that stood out to me from each presentation. I cannot wait to try the many different digital tools and sources that I learned about in my future classroom!

Check out the new website: 

Foremost, we were lucky enough to hear from Renee Hobbs. I even purchased one of her books and had the opportunity to have her sign it and speak one-on-one with her, which was a very exciting experience!  During her presentation, Renee shared her insight on her idea of “Create to Learn.” One of the ideas that she presented, which I found very interesting, was her idea of Intellectual Grandparents,” as she explained that these intellectual grandparents have created a network of relationships between people and ideas that have continued to be an influence for educators. She created a website that can help anyone understand the history of media literacy education around the world. 

Furthermore, the first speaker that I listened to during the morning breakout session was Natalie Biden, the winner of Dr. Turner’s iHero Award. I was so excited when her accomplishments were announced at the conclusion of the conference because I was blown away by the ideas she presented during her presentation. She showed us video examples of how she teaches digital reading in her NYC classroom and we even got to take part in a little demonstration so that we can get a first-hand experience.  Her students seemed to love how she rolled out her digital media lessons, and it inspired me to want to do something similar in my future classroom.  Ultimately, I loved her idea of the “Digital Word Wall” which helps students visualize digital reading as well.

Digital Word Wall!

Lastly, in the afternoon breakout session, I attended Dr. Jade Morano’s presentation on Navigating Technology in the Elementary classroom.  She introduced several different digital tools and sources to use to help enhance and motivate students in the classroom.  My personal favorite was the app called Chatter Pix. We got to make our own creative pix and share them with the group.  I will definitely use this app in my future classroom as it can be used for any subject.

Check Out the App!


  1. Tremendous post Michelle! I shared with the conference organizers.


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